The thoughts, opinions, unconcious musings, worries, ideas, throwaway remarks, jokes, inflamatory rhetoric, seditious grumblings, brainwaves, dark shadows of the soul and general chitter chatter of Guy Bailey (yes, that one).

Thursday, April 09, 2009

A Doctor writes...

Dear Doctor...

I am a gay man and I don't like Kathy Griffin. Is there something wrong with me?

A Doctor writes...

Yes. Yes there is.

Friday, April 03, 2009

11 things funnier than Russell Howard

1) A papercut on the ballsack
2) Schindler's ListItalic3) A dog's skeleton
4) Intervention
5) A bite by a brown recluse spider
6) Robbers who steal everything then poop on the floor
7) Karen Matthew's case notes
8) Orphans
9) Global recession
10) A monkey in a wheelchair
11) Women's rights in Afghanistan

The Second Coming

A lot of nonsense is going on in the world right now and I want in so I'm resurrecting GBL to allow me to spout off, write, emote, fantasise, be pithy on and otherwise do anything I can't do on The Other Blog - about American Life.

Watch The Skies