The thoughts, opinions, unconcious musings, worries, ideas, throwaway remarks, jokes, inflamatory rhetoric, seditious grumblings, brainwaves, dark shadows of the soul and general chitter chatter of Guy Bailey (yes, that one).

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Craig Charles' Naughty Friday - the new fun game for Crackheads

Hi Kids! You too can create your own “naughty Friday” like me, star of Coronation Street and Robot Whores, whoops, I mean Wars!

You will need the following to play

  • Six cans of stella
  • Two rocks of crack
  • A copy of Razzle
  • Some tissues

Start at about 7pm and hop in the back of your limo with your chauffer driving – believe me, you’ll need your hands free!

Crack open the Stella’s and start drinking, remember to save at least one of the cans. Now your getting merry, pop one of your rocks into the can, light it and puncture the sides to start inhaling. Now we partying!

Keep smoking the crack and start flipping through your Razzle. Pretty soon you’ll be wanking like a little monkey so remember the tissues or “belly wipes” as I call them!

You’ll arrive back in London ready to rehearse your lines or to go out and smile for the photographers!

Write back and let me know how you enjoy your own “Naughty Friday”!

Love, Craig.

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