I Hate Russell Howard
My darling wife is a big fan of "Mock the Week" on BBC-2. A Frankensteins Monster of a quiz, taking the best parts from the corpses of Have I Got News For You and Whose Line is it Anyway? and stitching them together with all the moral consequence of the good doctor himself.
Hosted by Dara O'Brien, and keeping up the Frankenstein theme, old Dara does more than a passable impression of Igor.
A consequence of watching means I have had the misfortune to discover that Pippin has left The Shire and begun a fledgling stand-up career. Using the pseudenum "Russell Howard" (Never trust a man with two first names. Cary Grant being the exception that proves the rule) he meanders along using a technique honed in the class of a supply teacher. Namely, loudly repeating what the funniest kid in the class has just said, or in Russell's case, Frankie Boyle or Hugh Dennis (the silver lining in this particular cloud). When not zinging Orcs or commenting on Aragorn's new tax policies, he shows the depth of his comic training and development have not moved on one iota from the 4th year.
Looking like two people have tried to iron both sides of his face simultaniously, looking at him face on is like standing opposite the bow of an ocean liner. Howard's repartee is as topical as it is well delivered. "I'd shag Hilary Clinton"; "Elves are real" and my personal favourite: "Birdseye potato waffles are waffly versatile".
Did you ever wonder what happened to the funny, fat kid in your class who made jokes and acted the clown to get attention and confuse bullies? Well, the spotty, gawky kid who liked Rick Astley followed him around, nicked all his best lines and is trying to pass them off as his own at 10pm on BBC 2 on Thursday Nights.
im sorry but i think mock the week is probably one of the greatest stand up quiz show ive ever seen.
you view of all the comedians on the show are greatly skewed as most if not all have a successful career, which cant be said for most on “have I got news for you”
Dara o’brian is an amazing comedian and doesn’t need to use racial slang to get a laugh and the performers don’t need to pick on each other to get a laugh.
In future if you intend to slag a program that if anything has taken all the great shows you’ve mentioned and took out all the boring crap and made it fun then I suggest you get a sense of humor and stop trying to be funny
I have to agree with my fellow anonymous, 'Mock The Week' is one of the funniest shows on telly and i hate have i got news for you, i find it so boring and not at all funny. Als i would like to add that i am a young women who actualy finds russell howard extremely attractive and you, Guy are just jealous and must likely not very much to lok at!!!!
I am sorry yes its your opion but i lloovveee mock the week its hilarious and i Lurve Russell!! Hes well sweet!! Charlie xxx
I have just been to see Russell Howards stand up show and it was the funniest gig ever. He is an amazingly clever funny guy (and very very nice to look at!) and he managed to ad lib more than any comedian I've ever seen live before. Mock the week stands out in the sea of comedy quiz shows and makes Have I got News for you seem old fashioned and dated. How can someone sound so aggressive about a comedy show?! If you don't like it don't watch it, but you'll be missing out on some truly original comedians at their best.
mock the week is cool, your just a sad lonely man!
Well, i'm seeing Russell Howard tonight. I, like many others, admire and idolise him. I am sure that there aren't many people who admire and idolise you. So shh you and your over-critical opinions.
Ive got Tickets to see Russel Howard and personally I think hes funny and extremely fit too. I think ur just a grumpy old bloke who needs to get a life, your just jealous cos ur wife likes mock the week, which is the funniest show on telly. Reading your 'essay' makes me think that sad old blokes like you need to get a life :)
i agree with the anon's, i think russell is hilarious and i also find him very attractive, being a young woman.
okay, so maybe he's not as funny as frankie or hugh, but they're a fair bit older than he is, surely, and for a young guy he knows how to entertain.
so until you can think of some funny lines of your own, leave russell alone!
Russell Howard IS AN ELF. And not to be trusted. He really does look like someone tried to iron his face.
im sorry right,
but russell howard
is hillerious!
and very sxc :)
your very pesimistic!
I totally agree, mock the week is not funny, and boring people tend to think it is.
Russel Howard is incredibly unfunny, and people who are ignorant of stand up tend to think hes funny.
Also, you idolise Russel Howard? Admire maybe, but idolise? Oh dear.
what the hell are you on about?!?!
how can you be that cruel about russel
has he not once made you laugh? come on
he is one of the funniest and hottest comedians around, he has a sort of childish sense of humour but get completely what he's saying.
no sense of humour you
i bet your a dull person
russel is amazing
Russell Howard is hilarious, and so hot! How can you insult him like this? Maybe you were actually looking at a mirror...
Yes, 'he's nice to look at', he must be a top notch comedian. Yeah, those 'unsuccessful', 'boring' idiots on HIGNFY, both part of Spitting Image, one of the most successful sketch shows on British TV, Ian Hislop with his national magazine editorship, and Paul Merton, with a TV show with him in China on prime time national TV...they must dream of being in Russell Howard's position. One other thing...they've been around and successful and household names for twenty years...can you see a 40-odd year old Russell still being on TV?
Not only is Russell Howard a great comedian, he is also very hot. End of story. ;]
I have to agree with all of the above. I absolutely adore russell howard and mock the week and so do all of my friends. I dont watch any of the other shows because they are boring and i cant understand anything, i laugh so hard i start crying when watching mock the week with my mates. Also we think russell is gorgeous, sweet and would do anything to see him, and are infact going to see him live next year. If you are looking for something to have a moan and a rant about, look in the mirror, because you are obviously jealous as my fellow replier has said. ASS!!!!
I think this person is just jelouse of russles talent and has only ever seen one episode of Mock the Week
You write very well.
God im so glad someone hates that tosser as much as i do. The "hilarious" voices he puts on make me want to kill him on the spot and dont even get me started on the ridiculous actions he uses to accompany everything he does.
He is the one person who ruins mock the week, all the other comedians are genuinely funny but he's never ever made me even chuckle, the mans a total arse.
I'm with you mate. Russell Howard is the most annoying man on TV. He's just not funny!
I think Mock the Week is amazing and that Russell Howard is amazing and adorable. He doesn't look bad he looks quite fit to be honest and your wife might to which may be why you hate the show so much. Hebe.x
Russell Howard - the best stand-up comedian I've seen. 'Nuff said, really.
I think everyone has got it slightly wrong here! Firstly the guy was not knocking the show. It's a great show in which he stipulated. However.. he WAS knocking Russell Howard, and I concur.. he has the humour of an 8 year old, bordering on toilet humour. To see him as an idol frankly makes me sick. I watch this show with me girlfriend all the time, and we both sit there rolling our eyes whenever the little ferret opens his mouth. The other comedians work the magic of this show.. but i guess Russell gives the show something.. an opportunity to moan, and bring people together with their collective, organised anger! Nathan
I totally agree with /nathan and this article! The guy is about as funny as watching someone eat bread. He's pathetic and everytime he attempts something, the anger that curses through me is untrue. This bloke gets paid for cracking jokes such "edmunds it's deal or you'll get shot".
Utterly pathetic and all he seems to do is jump in with pathetic statements. My girlfriend also thinks he'a complete cretin and it is usually people who dont understand stand up or wit that like him.
The only thing less funny than russel howard is your attempts at humor in the above post
Russel Howard is a c*nt. How he is on national TV on a regular basis is beyond me. I honestly believe it is a sad state of affairs when there are more people that find this idiot funny than those that don't. He is the type of person that got bullied in school.....for a reason
YOu are spot on Howard's technique is just to repeat what the funny ones say, or he thinks saying Daily Mail reader should get an automatic laugh.
You are just jealous of him because your wife watches the show and probably fancies him too, she just doesn't want to tell you. He is the funnist comedian I had ever heard and he is soooo FITTT!!!! The best looking comedian out there and I think he is a genuinly nice guy, you can usually tell by their jokes. You need to get a life a stop critizing other people at what they are good at. Enough said.
Russel Howard is like a pop comedian. I think its funny when he's on mock the week because he struggles to contribute anything remotely funny and often resorts to toilet humour or silly faces.
Howard is a total c**t - fits in so well with the other 'i'm so clever and funny' PC B****CKS that the beeb is pumping out these days. Which coked up moron gave him his own show!!!! No wonder Frankie Boyle has left - i just won't watch it anymore.
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The reason I came across your comments is because I googled "I hate Russell Howard". I whole heartedly agree with you on that, however, have you never seen Dara O'Brein doing stand up? He is one of my favorite comedians. I also love Frankie Boyle because I don't think I'll ever grow up when it comes to comedy. Hugh Dennis and Andy Parsons, I can take or leave but I absolutely, completely and utterly HATE Russsell Howard. Incidentally, My incredibly beautiful wife has recently refused to watch the show purely because she hates the way Howard makes a crappy joke even crapper and then looks so smug about it. I think that about sums him up, UNFUNNY,SMUG TW@!
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I have to say I agree 100% with the writer of this article. Russel Howard was, I'll agree very amusing when I saw him for the first time doing stand up. After that he just seemed to get less and less funny. Now, I can sit through a whole episode of Mock the Week and only laugh at things Frankie Boyle and Hugh Dennis say. The other people on it are just terrible. Particularly Russel Howard.
Also HIGNFY is far, far better than MTW.
I too came across your blog because I typed in "Hate Russell Howard" into Google. He's on tv now on that horrible program of his in which he takes the piss out of TV (the actual clips are actually quite funny). I hate him more than any other comedian in the world. I hate his stupid gawky cross-eyed face and the shit and most unfunny jokes concievable that come out of his wonky mouth...in fact, I don't even think they qualify as jokes. He just uses really old and obvious observational techniques with no base in reality. As for Mock The Week... Don't get me started on how dire that program is.
I agree with you. Attention seeking drivel with no actual content.
russle howard is a smug twat whos obviosly been told his bristolien accent that dominates all of his impressoins is funny and talking about elephants blowing your ass is witt how could any one think someon with an iq of 12 and all the comic charm of a lobotimised gold fish is beyond sense so i can only asume if you think hes funny your as stupid as he is for thinking what he so obviously thinks the smugg wankshaft
I typed "I fucking hate russel howard" and google suggested "I fucking hate russell howard" - google knows best. A lazy eyed talentless prick of the highest order.
I love to go to concerts.And if the concert tickets are free who idiot wont go. There is Russell Howard concert coming up and guess what I have signed up for free Russell Howard ticket prize draw. See you there.
I hate Russel Howard too, he seems like an annoying schoolboy with terribly unintelligent comedy and highly irritating over the top gestures and eugh, it's annoying how none of my friends can see this!
he's fucking shit
Everyone who likes Russell (like me) good for you.
All of you who don't just watch something else.
This is ridiculous! How can you write a whole article on someone that you've seen under half an episode on. I typed in 'I hate Russell Howard' to see it it was possible.
Jog on.
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